Imagine saving thousands of dollars on credit repair by simply meeting with the Credit Monkey once every six weeks, live or on Zoom, and paying a consulting fee rather than a monthly maintenance fee, a per letter charges and removal fees. You could save hundreds if not thousands of dollars compared to a traditional credit repair company.
At your credit habilitation meeting, the Monkey will assess your credit goals, evaluate where you are in the credit repair process, explain what your next steps should be and supply you with the tools necessary to take those steps.
If you failed to reduce or eliminate your debt on your own, making yourself accountable to the Credit Monkey is a significant key for success. The Credit Monkey can help you create a budget. Then, help you craft a plan to reduce or eliminate your debt. More importantly, the Monkey will hold your feet to the fire so you follow the plan. The monkey has an exclusive tools that allows you to create a reasonable budget and then follow your financial progress every day. Now you can see where you started. And, know exactly where you are today. It can also help you envision where you will be next month.
Recovering from bankruptcy is an intentional process. The Credit Monkey’s Guide to Surviving Bankruptcy provides recently discharged Chapter 7 Debtors a detailed outline about how to start over. Depending on your circumstances, the Monkey can help you buy a new car in a year and a new house in just two.
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