Finding valuable employee benefits at a reasonable cost is always a challenge. The benefits that employees desire the most are usually not cheap while corporate budgets are always tight. The Credit Monkey to the rescue. Consider offering your employees the priceless benefit of good credit and a more secure lifestyle at an affordable cost to your company.
The Credit Monkey offers one-hour Lunch and Learns on a variety of subjects either individually or in a series. You can choose a single lunch presentation on budgeting or series about getting out of debt or improving credit scores. Either way, your employees’ lives can be enriched at a minimal expense to your firm.
The Credit Monkey also presents at larger venues and conferences, either with or without “monkey business.” Larger venues can be problematic. Often with a large crowd it is more effective to entertain with music and comedy with a message than teach with 10,000 words. At a large venue or conference, the Monkey tailors his presentation to the event.
Please call or email the Monkey to discuss your specific needs.
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